Твое резюме - это возможность заявить о себе потенциальным работодателям. Будь ярким, запоминающимся, лаконичным, и работодатель обязательно заинтересуется твоей кандидатурой!
Несколько практических советов превратят твое резюме в эффективный маркетинговый инструмент на рынке труда США:

Marina Timokhina
64-12 Lenin Ave.
Chelyabinsk, Russia 454000
mobile tel.: 7 904 56 95 489
skype: MTimoknina
Date of birth: August 09, 1985
64-12 Lenin Ave.
Chelyabinsk, Russia 454000
mobile tel.: 7 904 56 95 489
skype: MTimoknina
Date of birth: August 09, 1985
Chelyabisnk State University
Sociology faculty, second course
Expected date of graduation - June 2004
Top 5% of graduating class
Assistant Clerk in Marketing Research - October 2000 to Present
Duties include: Developing and monitoring ongoing marketing plans. Receiving and cataloguing publications, customer service, mail order and processing special orders.
English level:
Understanding skills | choose from 1 to 10 |
Reading skills | choose from 1 to 10 |
Writing skills
| choose from 1 to 10 |
Verbal skills
| choose from 1 to 10 |
Advanced English, Microsoft Office, PBX Telephone Service skills.
Tennis, Theatre, Skiing, Stretching, Aerobic, Swimming
Available upon request.
Additional information:
5 States I do not want to work at: North Dakota, Iowa, Texas, Arizona, California.
3 types of job I do not want to work at – waiter, hostess, receptionist
Do you agree to go to the USA alone?
Yes No
Name: Petrova Lada
Address: Lenin Ave., 121-63
Chelyabinsk, Russia 454080
e-mail: lada-petrova@mail.ru
mobile tel.: 7 908 56 23 089
skype: ladapetr
Date of birth: July 03, 1985
Address: Lenin Ave., 121-63
Chelyabinsk, Russia 454080
e-mail: lada-petrova@mail.ru
mobile tel.: 7 908 56 23 089
skype: ladapetr
Date of birth: July 03, 1985
Chelyabinsk State University
Faculty of Law and Finances , third course
Expected date of graduation – June 2007
Work Experience:
June 2004 - September 2004 – waitress in a summer cafe “Free-Time”, Chelyabinsk
English level:
Understanding skills | choose from 1 to 10 |
Reading skills | choose from 1 to 10 |
Writing skills
| choose from 1 to 10 |
Verbal skills
| choose from 1 to 10 |
Languages: Russian (native), advanced English, French (essential)
Computer skills: Microsoft Word, Excel, e-mail, Internet
Other: driving
languages, traveling, reading, dancing, music, fitness
Available to work:
June, 1 - September, 30 2005
initiative, sociable, polite, friendly, well-organized, reliable, ready to learn and cooperate, motivated
Why I want to participate in the program:
I want to get to know American lifestyle, to gain new life experience, to improve my English
Available upon request
Additional information:
5 States I do not want to work at: Florida, New York, South Dakota, New Mexico, Colorado.
3 types of job I do not want to work at – crew member, lifeguard, and beach attendant
Do you agree to go to the USA alone?
Yes No